Experiment Protocol

Coordinated model experiments in PAMIP are listed in the following tables:

  1. Atmosphere-only time slice experiments
  2. Coupled ocean-atmosphere time slice experiments
  3. Atmosphere-only time slice experiments to investigate regional forcing
  4. Atmosphere-only time slice experiments to investigate the role of the background state
  5. Atmosphere-only transient experiments
  6. Coupled ocean-atmosphere transient experiments

More information regarding experiment protocol including initial condition and ice-constraining approaches in the coupled ocean-atmosphere models can be found at the link below:


The SST and sea ice forcing files can be downloaded from input4MIPs


1. Atmosphere-only time slice experiments

No. Experiment Name Description Note Tier Start year Years Min. ensemble
1.1 pdSST-pdSIC Time slice forced by climatological monthly mean SST and SIC for the present day (pd) Present day SST and SIC 1 2000 1 100
1.2 piSST-piSIC Time slice forced by climatological monthly mean SST and SIC for preindustrial (pi) conditions Preindustrial SST and SIC 2 2000 1 100
1.3 pdSST-pdSIC Time slice forced by pi SST and pd SIC Different SST relative to 1.1 to investigate the role of SSTs in polar amplfication 1 2000 1 100
1.4 futSST-pdSIC Time slice forced by pd SIC and future SST representing 2 degree global warming (fut) 2 2000 1 100
1.5 pdSST-piArcSIC Time slice forced by pd SST and pi Arctic SIC Different Arctic SIC relative to 1.1 to investigate the impact of present day and future Arctic sea ice , and the role of Arctic SIC in polar amplification 1 2000 1 100
1.6 pdSST-futArcSIC Time slice forced by pd SST and fut Arctic SIC 1 2000 1 100
1.7 pdSST-piAntSIC Time slice forced by pd SST and pi Antarctic SIC Different Antarctic SIC relative to 1.1 to investigate the impact of present day and future Arctic sea ice , and the role of Arctic SIC in polar amplification 1 2000 1 100
1.8 pdSST-futAntSIC Time slice forced by pd SST and fut Antarctic SIC 1 2000 1 100
1.9 pdSST-pdSICSIT Time slice forced by pd sea ice thickness (SIT) in addition to SIC and SST investigate the impacts of sea ice thickness changes 3 2000 1 100
1.10 pdSST-futArcSICSIT Time slice forced by pd SST and fut Arctic SIC and SIT Investigate the impacts of sea ice thickness changes 3 2000 1 100

2. Coupled ocean-atmosphere time slice experiments

No. Experiment Name Description Note Tier Start year Years Min. ensemble
2.1 pa-pdSIC Coupled time slice constrained by pdSIC   2 2000 1 100
2.2 pa-piArcSIC Coupled time slice with pi Arctic SIC As 1.5 and 1.6 but with coupled model 2 2000 1 100
2.3 pa-futArcSIC Coupled time slice with fut Arctic SIC 2 2000 1 100
2.4 pa-piAntSIC Coupled time slice with pi Antarctic SIC As 1.7 and 1.8 but with coupled model 2 2000 1 100
2.5 pa-futAntSIC Coupled time slice with fut Antarctic SIC 2 2000 1 100

3. Atmosphere-only time slice experiments to investigate regional forcing

No. Experiment Name Description Note Tier Start year Years Min. ensemble
3.1 pdSST-futOkhotskSIC Time slice forced by pd SST and fut Arctic SIC only in the Sea of Okhotsk Investigate how the atmospheric response depends on the geogrpahic pattern of Arctic sea ice forcing 3 2000 1 100
3.2 pdSST-futBKSeasSIC Time slice forced by pd SST and fut Arctic SIC only in the Barents/Kara Seas 3 2000 1 100

4. Atmosphere-only time slice experiments to investigate the role of the background state

No. Experiment Name Description Note Tier Start year Years Min. ensemble
4.1 modelSST-pdSIC Time slice forced by pd SIC and pd SST from coupled model (2.1) rather than observations In conjunction with experiment 1 and 2, isolate the effect of the background state from the effect of coupling 3 2000 1 100
4.2 modelSST-futArcSIC Time slice forced by fut Arctic SIC and pd SST from coupled model (2.1) rather than observations 3 2000 1 100

5. Atmosphere-only transient experiments

No. Experiment Name Description Note Tier Start year Years Min. ensemble
5.1 amip-climSST Repeat CMIP6 AMIP (1979-2014) but with climatological monthly mean SST Use CMIP6 AMIP as the control, investigate transient response, individual years, and the contributions of SST and SIC to recent climate change 3 1979 36 3
5.2 amip-climSIC Repeat CMIP6 AMIP (1979-2014) but with climatological monthly mean SIC 3 1979 36 3

6. Coupled ocean-atmosphere transient experiments

No. Experiment Name Description Note Tier Start year Years Min. ensemble
6.1 pa-pdSIC-ext Coupled model extended simulation constrained with pd sea ice Experiments to investigate the decadal and longer impacts of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice 3 2000 100 1
6.2 pa-futArcSIC-ext Coupled model extended simulation constrained with fut Arctic sea ice 3 2000 100 1
6.3 pa-futAntSIC-ext Coupled model extended simulation constrained with fut Antarctic sea ice 3 2000 100 1