Input & Output Data


Model Output Data

Data for the fully interactive system is available on the Earth System Grid (ESG). ESG access requires that you register and create an account. Approvals are usually granted within 24 hours of your request.

Climatological Data Model (DATAM)

The CCSM4 data models perform the basic function of reading external data, modifying that data, and then sending it to the driver via standard CCSM coupling interfaces. The driver and other models have no fundamental knowledge of whether another component is fully active or just a data model. In some cases, data models are prognostic and also receive and use some data sent by the driver to the data model. But in most cases, the data models are not running prognostically and have no need to receive any data from the driver.

The CCSM4 data models have been parallelized and share significant amounts of source code. Methods for reading and interpolating data have been established and can easily be reused. There is a natural hierarchy in the system. The data model calls strdata methods which then call stream methods. There are inputs associated with the data model, strdata, and streams to configure the setup. The stream methods are responsible for managing the input data. The information is then passed up to the strdata methods where the data is read and interpolated in space and time. The interpolated data is passed up to the data model where final fields are derived, packed, and returned to the driver.


Data Model v8 User's Guide [HTML] [PDF]

Model Input Data

The input data necessary to run all supported component sets is made available from a public subversion input data repository. Note that the inputdata repository has much more data in it than you need to run CCSM4.0 ---- DO NOT attempt to svn checkout the whole input data repository. The CCSM4.0 User's Guide explains how to obtain the subset of input data required for your needs.


Model Input Data

The input data needed to run the model is disseminated via the Earth System Grid (ESG).

The data necessary to run these all-active configurations is currently available:

  • non-IPCC constant 1990 control runs
  • non-IPCC increasing CO2 scenarios
  • IPCC constant 1870 control runs

Additional input data is necessary for the following IPCC scenarios (registration with ESG is required):

Model Output Data

A variety of mmulti-century CCSM3.0 control runs have been carried out at three resolutions: T31_gx3v5, T42_gx1v3, and T85_gx1v3. Monthly average data from all components were saved and some post-processed time series are available. A description of the various CCSM3 control runs is available in the Experiments and Output Data section of this web site.

CCSM3 output data is disseminated via the Earth System Grid (ESG).


Model Input Data

Download the CCSM2.0 input data files needed by, and used in, the CCSM2.0 control runs:

T31/gx3 input datasets tar file 192051200 Bytes

md5sum checksum of tar file (64 bytes)

text listing of tar file contents
T42/gx1v3 input datasets tar file 794920960 Bytes

md5sum checksum of tar file (66 bytes)

text listing of tar file contents
T62 input datasets tar file (optional) 1074227200 Bytes

md5sumg checksum of tar file (60 bytes)

text listing of tar file contents
CLM spinup datasets tar file (optional) 1029488640 Bytes

md5sumg checksum of tar file (73 bytes)

text listing of tar file contents
T42/gx1v3 year 350 initial datasets tar file 582901760 Bytes

md5sum checksum of tar file (70 bytes)

text listing of tar file contents


  • Confirm the integrity of the downloaded files after you download them! We have received reports of some browsers downloading partial files without issuing any warnings.
    • Download the appropriate md5sum file and do a checksum verification (example: md5sum -c ccsm2.0.inputdata.T31_gx3.tar.md5sum )
    • Compare the published filesizes with the actual size of your downloaded files.
  • The T62 input datasets are only required for T62 latm configured runs (in addition to the T42_gx1v3 dataset).
  • The CLM spinup datasets are optional and are only needed if the land model will be initialized from a rest state. See the land model documentation for more information.
  • Use the command tar -xvf ccsm2.0.inputdata.RES_INDP.tar to untar each file. An "inputdata/" directory structure will be created below the current working directory containing the input datasets for each CCSM component. Use the full pathname of the inputdata/ directory as the CSMDATA variable in the CCSM run scripts or the GUI.
  • Using ftp to download this data The inputdata files can also be accessed via ftp with the following commands:
    • ftp


      cd /pub/ccsm/models/ccsm2.0/inputdata


      get ccsm2.0.inputdata.RES_INDP.tar

      get ccsm2.0.inputdata.T31_gx3.tar

      get ccsm2.0.inputdata.T42_gx1v3.tar

      get ccsm2.0.inputdata.T62_gx1v3.tar

      get ccsm2.0.inputdata.CLM_SPINUP_FILES.tar


Model Output Data

A CCSM2.0 control run has been carried out and output data is available on the Experiments and Data section of the website. The model was run fully coupled for 370 years in a spin up mode using a pre-release version of CCSM2.0. The final control run was started at year 350 of this spin-up run and was run fully coupled. Monthly average data from all components was saved and some post-processed time series are available.