PAMIP Workshop 2019

Jun. 24 to Jun. 27, 2019

5:00 pm – 11:30 am MDT

Main content

Agenda & Presentations

Monday, June 24 2019

Time Title
17:00-19:00 Welcome drinks (White Hart)
19:00 Dinner (White Hart)

Tuesday, June 25 2019

Time Presenter Title Presentation
07:30-09:00 Breakfast (White Hart)
09:00-10:30 Morning session 1 (Upper Gatehouse)

Chair: James Screen
09:00 James Screen Welcome and logistics
09:15 Tido Semmler Early results from the PAMIP experiments with ECHAM6 and OpenIFS Download
09:30 Lantao Sun Atmospheric circulation response to past and future polar sea ice loss in PAMIP time slice experiments Download
09:45 Rym Msadek Northern Hemisphere atmospheric response to Arctic sea ice reduction in the CNRM model: initial results from PAMIP experiments Download
10:00 Masato Mori Early results about atmospheric response to sea-ice loss using PAMIP experiments Download
10:15 Lise Graff Preliminary results from PAMIP simulations with the NorESM Download
10:30-11:00 Morning break (West Wing Lounge)
11:00-11:30 Morning session 2 (Upper Gatehouse)

Chair: Doug Smith
11:00 Michael Sigmond The Canadian Earth System Model version 5 (CanESM5) and its contribution to PAMIP Download
11:15 Shuting Yang Factors influencing the atmospheric responses to Arctic sea ice reduction Download
11:30 Rosie Eade Global response to regional sea ice loss Download
11:45 Alexandre Audette New coordinated simulations to help explain Arctic-midlatitude linkages mediated by moist isentropic overturning atmospheric circulation responses Download
12:00 Yannick Peings Atmosphere-only PAMIP experiments with SC-WACCM: is this signal or noise? Download
12:15 Elisa Manzini The Arctic winter stratosphere in PAMIP atmosphere-only experiments Download
12:30-14:00 Lunch (Solar)
14:00-15:30 Afternoon session 1 (Upper Gatehouse)

Chair: Elisa Manzini
14.00 Gudrun Magnusdottir Impact of the QBO on the response to Arctic sea ice loss Download
14.15 Jinro Ukita Importance of the stratospheric background state suggested by QBO impacts on Arctic–midlatitude climate linkage Download
14.30 Ralf Jaiser Improving the representation of linkages between the Arctic and mid-latitudes by implementing fast interactive ozone chemistry Download
14.45 Jiankai Zhang Persistent Shift of the Arctic Polar Vortex and its climate effects Download
15.00 Yu-Chiao Liang Atmospheric responses to Arctic sea-ice loss in high-top Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model version 6 (WACCM6) [Pre-recorded] Download
15:30-15:45 Afternoon break (West Wing Lounge)
15:45-17:15 Afternoon session 2 (Upper Gatehouse)

Chair: Daniela Matei
15.45 Xavier Levine Seasonal anomalies in Arctic sea ice and their association with Northern Hemisphere climate variability, on intraseasonal to interannual timescales Download
16.00 Javier Garcia-Serrano Multi-model assessment of the impact of Arctic sea-ice variability on the winter North Atlantic-Eurasian atmospheric circulation Download
16.15 Steve Delhaye Impact of an abrupt Arctic sea ice reduction in the water balance over high and mid-latitudes: a multi-model approach Download
16.30 Guillaume Gastineau Climate influence of sea-ice variability and its link with the tropical Pacific and Atlantic Ocean Download
16.45 Discussion: Talking points from day 1
17:30-18:30 Pre-dinner walk (meet in the Courtyard)
19:00 Dinner (Solar)

Wednesday, June 26 2019

Time Presenter Title Presentation
07:30-09:00 Breakfast (White Hart)
09:00-10:30 Morning session 1 (Upper Gatehouse)

Chair: Gudrun Magnusdottir
09.00 Fumiaki Ogawa Evaluating impacts of recent sea-ice and SST changes on the Northern Hemisphere winter climate change through coordinated experiments Download
09.15 Tido Semmler Impact of regionally increased CO2 concentrations in coupled climate simulations Download
09.35 Russell Blackport Influence of Arctic Sea Ice Loss in Autumn Compared to That in Winter on the Atmospheric Circulation Download
09.45 Yutian Wu Are midlatitude circulation responses linearly additive to regional Arctic Amplification? Insights from an idealized Atmospheric General Circulation Model Download
10.00 Mark England Tropical climate responses to projected Arctic and Antarctic sea ice loss Download
10.15 Holly Ayres Climate Response to Projected Antarctic Sea Ice Loss Download
10:30-11:00 Morning break (West Wing Lounge)
11:00-11:30 Morning session 2 (Upper Gatehouse)

Chair: Jennifer Kay
11.00 Jin-Ho Yoon Sensitivity of the Arctic climate forcing due to atmospheric physical parameterizations Download
11.15 Daniela Matei Ural Blocking, Warming Arctic and Cold Siberian spells Download
11.30 Rohit Ghosh Reconciling the role of Arctic Amplification and atmospheric internal variability on Eurasian winter Download
11.45 Ruonan Zhang Role of Eurasian snow cover in linking winter–spring Eurasian coldness to the autumn Arctic sea ice retreat Download
12.00 James Screen Do models underestimate the atmospheric response to Arctic sea-ice loss? Download
12.15 Laurent Terray Can we attribute recent changes in extremes and flow waviness to Arctic amplification? Download
12:30-14:00 Lunch (Solar)
14:00-15:30 Afternoon session 1 (Upper Gatehouse)

Chair: Laurent Terray
14.00 Jennifer Kay The influence of clouds on Arctic Amplification Download
14.15 Malte Stuecker Polar amplification dominated by local forcing and feedbacks Download
14.30 Karoline Block Climate models disagree on the sign of total radiative feedback in the Arctic Download
14.45 Masakazu Yoskimori The impact of mid-high-latitude warming on tropical precipitation change
15.00 Deepashree Dutta A modelling study of the possible role of clouds and sea ice in strong polar amplification during warm climates Download
15:30-15:45 Afternoon break (West Wing Lounge)
15:45-17:15 Afternoon session 2 (Upper Gatehouse)

Chair: Paul Kushner
15.45 Wonsun Park Comparison of Arctic and Antarctic response to global warming: mean state and variability Download
16.00 Judah Cohen Challenges for dynamical models in simulating sea ice forcing on mid-latitude weather/climate variability Download
16.15 Hyo-Seok Park Multi-model Arctic sea ice responses to mid-Holocene insolation forcing Download
16.30 Discussion: Talking points from day 2
17:30-18:30 Pre-dinner walk (meet in the Courtyard)
19:00 Dinner (Solar)

Thursday, June 27 2019

Time Presenter Title Presentation
07:30-09:00 Breakfast (White Hart)
09:00-10:30 Morning session 1 (Upper Gatehouse)

Chair: Rym Msadek
09.00 Paul Kushner Isolating the ocean’s role in the coupled climate response to high-latitude forcing, and implications for PAMIP Download
09.15 Lantao Sun How much should we worry about the sea ice melting method in PAMIP? Download
09.30 Discussion: PAMIP coupled run protocol
10:30-11:00 Morning break (West Wing Lounge)
11:00-11:30 Morning session 2 (Upper Gatehouse)

Chair: James Screen
10.30-10.45 Doug Smith Multi-model assessment of the mid-latitude atmospheric response to future Arctic sea ice loss Download
10-45-11:30 Discussion: Coordinating analysis, next steps.
11:30 Finish; takeaway lunch available