On-going Research Projects
- Indo-Pacific Warm Pool variability over the last millennium
- A factorial design approach to climate model forcing interactions
- A statistical framework for comparing paleoclimate data and climate model simulations
- Anthropogenic Controls on ENSO Diversity
- Causes of the Little Ice Age
- Change of terrestrial aridity and drylands during 850-2100AD
- Changes in regime behavior of ENSO oscillations
- Disentangling Volcanic and ENSO-Related Hydroclimate Impacts
- Drivers of Southern Hemisphere mid-latitude climate variability over the past millennium
- Exploration of the Global Monsoon Across the Last Millennium
- Historical climatic impacts of land-use and land-cover changes
- Hydroclimate changes in East Africa over the last millennium
- Indo-Pacific water isotope variability during the last millennium
- Investigate deep ocean ventilation changes
- Investigating the ENSO response of the tropical Pacific ocean to large Volcanic eruptions
- Investigating the Tropical and South Atlantic Variability during the Last Millenium
- Multi-temporal scales on climate teleconnections in South Atlantic and Antarctica
- Near-term (sub-decadal) variability in storm activity in the North-Atlantic-European region
- New metrics to quantify the impacts of land cover change on climate
- Pacific Meridional Mode Variability
- Sea ice
- Seasonally specific precipitation variability in southwestern North America over the past millennium
- The influence of solar variability on climate over the last millennium
- The role of forcing in driving the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
- Variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)
- Variations of Arctic Oscillation and Antarctic Oscillation during the past millennium
- Volcanic forcing during the last millennium
- Wings of Change: Mega-Droughts, Ming Gap and Maritime Trade