CESM Models

Scientifically Supported Model Configurations

Scientific validation consists of a multi-decadal model run of the given component set at the target resolution, followed by scientific review of the model output diagnostics. All scientifically supported component sets are also accompanied by diagnostic and model output data.


CESM1.1.1 is now supported on machines Yellowstone and Titan. CESM1.1.1 has the flexibility to configure cases with many different combinations of component models, grids, and models settings. We are in the process of scientifically validating more resolutions and component sets, primarily targeted to CAM5 component sets. Validated CESM1.1.1 model results and diagnostics are posted under Experiments & Diagnostics.

The following fully coupled CESM1.1.1 resolution/compset combinations have been scientifically validated:

        0.9x1.25_gx1v6    B_1850_CAM5_CN
        1.9x2.5_gx1v6     B_1850_CAM5_CN

To obtain a listing of all supported out-of-the-box component sets and resolution combinations in CESM1.1 see Component Sets and Resolutions.

Please check the CESM1.1 Documentation periodically to see information regarding newly supported model configurations as they become available.


There are no scientifically supported component sets that accompany CESM1.1. This is strictly a release of new functional and infrastructure capability.