Trouble with Running

Tracking down problems while the model is running is much more difficult to do than configure or build problems. In this section we will give some suggestions on how to find run time problems. Below we show the log file results of a job that aborted while running.

Sun Jun 20 18:24:06 MDT 2010 -- CSM EXECUTION BEGINS HERE
Sun Jun 20 18:24:35 MDT 2010 -- CSM EXECUTION HAS FINISHED
Model did not complete - see /ptmp/erik/test_run/run/cpl.log.100620-182358
In the next section we will talk about using the different log files to track down problems, and find out where the problem is coming from. In the section after that we give some general advice on debugging problems and some suggestions on ideas that may be helpful to track the problem down. Some of the examples below are from the models/lnd/clm/doc/KnownBugs file.

Tracking Problems by Querying Log Files

The first thing to do when tracking down problems is to query the different log files to see if you can discover where the problem occurs, and any error messages about it. It's important to figure out if the problem comes in at initialization or in the run phase of the model, and in which model component the problem happens. There are different log files for the different major components, and they all end with the date and time in YYMMDD-HHMMSS format (2-digit: year, month, day, hour minute and second). When the model runs to completion the log files will be copied to the logs directory in the script directory, but when the model fails they will remain in the run directory. Here's an example list of log files from an "I" case where the model dies in the land model initialization. For "I" cases the sea-ice and ocean components are just stubs and don't create log files (and unless running with the active land-ice model "glc" log files won't be created either).


The coupler log file

The first log file to check is the coupler log file so that you can see where the model dies and which model component it fails in. When the model dies at initialization the last model component listed is the component that failed.

Example of a case that fails in the CLM land model initialization.

(seq_timemgr_clockPrint)     Prev Time   = 00001201   00000
(seq_timemgr_clockPrint)     Next Time   = 99991201   00000
(seq_timemgr_clockPrint)     Intervl yms =     9999       0           0

(seq_mct_drv) : Initialize each component: atm, lnd, ocn, and ice
(seq_mct_drv) : Initialize atm component
(seq_mct_drv) : Initialize lnd component

The ccsm log file

The ccsm log files are to some extent the "garbage collection" of log output. The CLM sends it's output from it's master processor, but sends other output and possibly errors to the ccsm log file. Because, of this, often error messages are somewhere in the ccsm log file. However, since there is so much other output it may be difficult to find. For example, here is some output from an older version of CESM (CESM1.0.2) where the RTM river routing file (before it was converted to NetCDF) was not provided and the error on the open statement for the file was embedded near the end of the ccsm log file.

(    0)
"/gpfs/proj2/fis/cgd/home/erik/clm_trunk/models/lnd/clm/src/riverroute/RtmMod.F90", line
239: 1525-155 The file name provided in the OPEN statement for unit 1 has zero length or
contains all blanks.  The program will recover by ignoring the OPEN statement.
"/gpfs/proj2/fis/cgd/home/erik/clm_trunk/models/lnd/clm/src/riverroute/RtmMod.F90", line
241: 1525-001 The READ statement on the file fort.1 cannot be completed because the end
of the file was reached.  The program will stop.

Running: ./ccsm.exe 
Please wait...

Memory usage for   ./ccsm.exe (task #   0) is:      51696 KB. Exit status: 1. Signal: 0
Although the example is from an earlier version of the model it still serves to illustrate finding problems from the ccsm log file.

When working with the ccsm log file, for a run-time problem, you will need to be able to separate it's output into three categories: pre-crash, crash, and post-crash. The pre-crash section is everything that is normal output for good operation of the model. The crash section is the section where the model dies and reports on the actual problem. the post-crash section is the cleanup and finalization after the model dies. The most important part of this of course is the crash section. The tricky part is distinguishing it from the other sections. Also because the ccsm log file most likely has duplicated output from multiple processors it is even more difficult to distinguish the different sections and to some extent the sections may be intertwined, as different processors reach the different sections at different times. Because, of this reducing the number of processors for your simulation may help you sort out the output in the file (see the Section called Run with a smaller set of processors). Also much of the output from the ccsm log file are system level information having to do with MPI multiprocessing. Usually you can ignore this information, but it makes it more difficult to trudge through.

Sometimes the ccsm log file is the ONLY file available, because the model terminates early in initialization. In this case understanding the output in the ccsm log file becomes even more important. This also indicates the model did NOT advance far enough to reach the initialization of the individual model components. This may mean that the initialization of the multiprocessing for MPI and/or OpenMP failed, or that the reading of the driver namelist file "drv_in" failed.

Here we show those three sections for a ccsm log file where a two task job failed on reading the namelist file. For a typical job with many tasks similar sections of this will be repeated not just twice but for each task and hence make it harder to read.

Pre-crash section of the ccsm log file

ATTENTION: 0031-386  MP_INSTANCES setting ignored when LoadLeveler is not being used.
ATTENTION: 0031-386  MP_INSTANCES setting ignored when LoadLeveler is not being used.
ATTENTION: 0031-378 MP_EUIDEVICE setting ignored when LoadLeveler is not being used.  
ATTENTION: 0031-386  MP_INSTANCES setting ignored when LoadLeveler is not being used.
   0:INFO: 0031-724  Executing program: </usr/local/lsf/7.0/aix5-64/bin/lsnrt_run>
   1:INFO: 0031-724  Executing program: </usr/local/lsf/7.0/aix5-64/bin/lsnrt_run>
   0:/contrib/bin/ccsm_launch: process 401894 bound to logical CPU 0 on host ...
   1:/contrib/bin/ccsm_launch: process 439264 bound to logical CPU 1 on host ...
   0:INFO: 0031-619  64bit(us, Packet striping on)  ppe_rmas MPCI_MSG: MPI/MPCI library was compiled on   Wed Aug  5 13:36:06 2009
   1:LAPI version #14.26 2008/11/23 11:02:30 1.296 src/rsct/lapi/lapi.c, lapi, rsct_rpt53, rpt53s004a 09/04/29 64bit(us)  library compiled on Wed Apr 29 15:30:42 2009
   1:LAPI is using lightweight lock.
   0:LAPI version #14.26 2008/11/23 11:02:30 1.296 src/rsct/lapi/lapi.c, lapi, rsct_rpt53, rpt53s004a 09/04/29 64bit(us)  library compiled on Wed Apr 29 15:30:42 2009
   0:LAPI is using lightweight lock.
   0:Use health ping for failover/recovery
   1:Use health ping for failover/recovery
   0:Initial communication over instance 2.
   1:Initial communication over instance 0.
   1:IB RDMA initialization completed successfully
   1:The MPI shared memory protocol is used for the job
   0:IB RDMA initialization completed successfully
   0:LAPI job ID for this job is: 1684890719
   0:The MPI shared memory protocol is used for the job
   0:(seq_comm_setcomm)  initialize ID (  7 GLOBAL ) pelist   =     0     1     1 ( npes =     2) ( nthreads =  1)
   0:(seq_comm_setcomm)  initialize ID (  2   ATM  ) pelist   =     0     1     1 ( npes =     2) ( nthreads =  1)
   0:(seq_comm_setcomm)  initialize ID (  1   LND  ) pelist   =     0     1     1 ( npes =     2) ( nthreads =  1)
   0:(seq_comm_setcomm)  initialize ID (  4   ICE  ) pelist   =     0     1     1 ( npes =     2) ( nthreads =  1)
   0:(seq_comm_setcomm)  initialize ID (  5   GLC  ) pelist   =     0     1     1 ( npes =     2) ( nthreads =  1)
   0:(seq_comm_setcomm)  initialize ID (  3   OCN  ) pelist   =     0     1     1 ( npes =     2) ( nthreads =  1)
   0:(seq_comm_setcomm)  initialize ID (  6   CPL  ) pelist   =     0     1     1 ( npes =     2) ( nthreads =  1)
   0:(seq_comm_joincomm) initialize ID (  8 CPLATM ) join IDs =     6     2       ( npes =     2) ( nthreads =  1)
   0:(seq_comm_joincomm) initialize ID (  9 CPLLND ) join IDs =     6     1       ( npes =     2) ( nthreads =  1)
   0:(seq_comm_joincomm) initialize ID ( 10 CPLICE ) join IDs =     6     4       ( npes =     2) ( nthreads =  1)
   0:(seq_comm_joincomm) initialize ID ( 11 CPLOCN ) join IDs =     6     3       ( npes =     2) ( nthreads =  1)
   0:(seq_comm_joincomm) initialize ID ( 12 CPLGLC ) join IDs =     6     5       ( npes =     2) ( nthreads =  1)
   0: (seq_comm_printcomms) ID layout : global pes vs local pe for each ID
   0:     gpe        LND      ATM      OCN      ICE      GLC      CPL    GLOBAL   CPLATM   CPLLND   CPLICE   CPLOCN   CPLGLC    nthrds
   0:     ---      ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------    ------
   0:       0   :       0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        1
   1:       1   :       1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1
   0: (t_initf) Read in prof_inparm namelist from: drv_in
   1: (seq_io_init) cpl_io_stride, iotasks or root out of bounds - resetting to defaults  4 0 1
   0: piolib_mod.f90 1353 1 2 1 2
   1: piolib_mod.f90 1353 1 2 1 2
   0: pio_support::pio_die:: myrank= 0 : ERROR: piolib_mod.f90: 1354 : not enough procs for the stride
   1: pio_support::pio_die:: myrank= 1 : ERROR: piolib_mod.f90: 1354 : not enough procs for the stride

Crash section of the ccsm log file

   0:  Traceback:
   1:  Traceback:
   0:    Offset 0x00000c4c in procedure __pio_support_NMOD_piodie, near line 88 in file
   1:    Offset 0x00000c4c in procedure __pio_support_NMOD_piodie, near line 88 in file
   0:    Offset 0x00000fd0 in procedure __piolib_mod_NMOD_init, near line 1354 in file piolib_mod.F90
   1:    Offset 0x00000fd0 in procedure __piolib_mod_NMOD_init, near line 1354 in file piolib_mod.F90
   1:    Offset 0x00000398 in procedure __seq_io_mod_NMOD_seq_io_init, near line 247 in file /gpfs/proj2/fis/cgd/home/erik/clm_trunk/models/drv/shr/seq_io_mod.F90
   0:    Offset 0x00000398 in procedure __seq_io_mod_NMOD_seq_io_init, near line 247 in file /gpfs/proj2/fis/cgd/home/erik/clm_trunk/models/drv/shr/seq_io_mod.F90
   0:    Offset 0x0001aa88 in procedure ccsm_driver, near line 465 in file /gpfs/proj2/fis/cgd/home/erik/clm_trunk/models/drv/driver/ccsm_driver.F90
   0:    --- End of call chain ---
   1:    Offset 0x0001aa88 in procedure ccsm_driver, near line 465 in file /gpfs/proj2/fis/cgd/home/erik/clm_trunk/models/drv/driver/ccsm_driver.F90
   1:    --- End of call chain ---

Post-crash section of the ccsm log file

   1:Communication statistics of task 1 is associated with task key: 1684890719_1
   0:Communication statistics of task 0 is associated with task key: 1684890719_0
   0:Running: ./ccsm.exe 
   0:Please wait...
   0:Memory usage for   ./ccsm.exe (task #   0) is:     198892 KB. Exit status: 134. Signal: 0
   1:Running: ./ccsm.exe 
   1:Please wait...
   1:Memory usage for   ./ccsm.exe (task #   0) is:     198572 KB. Exit status: 134. Signal: 0
INFO: 0031-656  I/O file STDOUT closed by task 0
INFO: 0031-656  I/O file STDERR closed by task 0
ERROR: 0031-250  task 0: IOT/Abort trap
INFO: 0031-656  I/O file STDOUT closed by task 1
INFO: 0031-656  I/O file STDERR closed by task 1
ERROR: 0031-250  task 1: IOT/Abort trap
INFO: 0031-639  Exit status from pm_respond = 0
ATTENTION: 0031-386  MP_INSTANCES setting ignored when LoadLeveler is not being used.
Job  /usr/local/lsf/7.0/aix5-64/bin/poejob /contrib/bin/ccsm_launch /contrib/bin/job_memusage.exe ./ccsm.exe

===== ========== ================  =======================  ===================
00000 be0310en   /contrib/bin/ccs  Exit (134)               08/31/2010 12:32:57
00001 be0310en   /contrib/bin/ccs  Exit (134)               08/31/2010 12:32:57

The CLM log file

Of course when you are working with and making changes to CLM, most of your focus will be on the CLM log file and the errors it shows. As already pointed out if you don't see errors in the lnd.log.* file you should look in the ccsm.log.* to see if any errors showed up there.

Here's an example of the lnd.log.* file when running PTS_MODE with initial conditions (this is bug 1025 in the models/lnd/clm/doc/KnownLimitationss file).

 Successfully initialized variables for accumulation
 reading restart file                                                                                                                                                                                                              
 Reading restart dataset
 ERROR - setlatlon.F:Cant get variable dim for lat or lsmlat
 ENDRUN: called without a message string

The DATM log file

When working with "I cases" the second most common problems after CLM problems are problems with the data atmosphere model. So examining the atm.log.* is important.

Here's an example of a problem that occurs when the wrong prescribed aerosol file is given to a pt1_pt1 simulation.

(datm_comp_init)  atm mode = CLMNCEP
(shr_strdata_init)  calling shr_dmodel_mapSet for fill
(shr_strdata_init)  calling shr_dmodel_mapSet for remap
 ('shr_map_getWts') ERROR: yd outside bounds  19.5000000000000000
(shr_sys_abort) ERROR: ('shr_map_getWts')  ERROR yd outside 90 degree bounds
(shr_sys_abort) WARNING: calling shr_mpi_abort() and stopping

The batch log files

The names of the batch log files will depend on the batch system of the machine that is being used. They will normally be in the script directory. Usually, they don't contain important information, but they are a last resort place to look for error messages. On the NCAR IBM system "bluefire" the batch files are called with names that start with "poe" and then either "stderr" or "stdout", with the job number at the end.

General Advice on Debugging Run time Problems

Here are some suggestions on how to track down a problem while running. In general if the problem still occurs for a simpler case, it will be easier to track down.

  1. Run in DEBUG mode

  2. Run with a smaller set of processors

  3. Run in serial mode with a single processor

  4. Run at a lower resolution

  5. Run a simpler case

  6. Run with a debugger

Run in DEBUG mode

The first thing to try is to run in DEBUG mode so that float point trapping will be triggered as well as array bounds checking and other things the compiler can turn on to help you find problems. To do this edit the env_build.xml file and set DEBUG to TRUE as follows:

> ./xmlchange -file env_build.xml -id DEBUG -val TRUE

Run with a smaller set of processors

Another way to simplify the system is to run with a smaller set of processors. You will need to clean the configure and edit the env_mach_pes.xml. For example, to run with four processors:

> ./configure -cleanall
> ./xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTASKS_ATM -val 4
> ./xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTASKS_LND -val 4
> ./xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTASKS_ICE -val 4
> ./xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTASKS_OCN -val 4
> ./xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTASKS_CPL -val 4
> ./xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTASKS_GLC -val 4
> ./configure -case
Another recommended simplification is to run without threading, so set the NTHRDS for each component to "1" if it isn't already. Sometimes, multiprocessing problems require a certain number of processors before they occur so you may not be able to debug the problem without enough processors. But, it's always good to reduce it to as low a number as possible to make it simpler. For threading problems you may have to have threading enabled to find the problem, but you can run with 1, 2, or 3 threads to see what happens.

Run in serial mode with a single processor

Simplifying to one processor removes all multi-processing problems and makes the case as simple as possible. If you can enable USE_MPI_SERIAL you will also be able to run interactively rather than having to submit to a job queue, which sometimes makes it easier to run and debug. If you can use USE_MPI_SERIAL you can also use threading, but still run interactively in order to use more processors to make it faster if needed.

> ./configure -cleanall
# Set tasks and threads for each component to 1
# You could also set threads to something > 1 for speed, but still
# run interactively if threading isn't an issue.
> ./xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTASKS_ATM -val 1
> ./xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTHRDS_ATM -val 1
> ./xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTASKS_LND -val 1
> ./xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTHRDS_LND -val 1
> ./xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTASKS_ICE -val 1
> ./xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTHRDS_ICE -val 1
> ./xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTASKS_OCN -val 1
> ./xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTHRDS_OCN -val 1
> ./xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTASKS_CPL -val 1
> ./xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTHRDS_CPL -val 1
> ./xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTASKS_GLC -val 1
> ./xmlchange -file env_mach_pes.xml -id NTHRDS_GLC -val 1
# If mpi-serial capability is available on the machine you are using
# set USE_MPI_SERIAL to true so that you can run interactively
> ./xmlchange -file env_conf.xml -id USE_MPI_SERIAL -val TRUE
> ./configure -case
# Then build your case
# And finally run, by running the *.run script interactively
# (If you were able to set USE_MPI_SERIAL to true)

Run at a lower resolution

If you can create a new case running at a lower resolution and replicate the problem it may be easier to solve. This of course requires creating a whole new case, and trying out different lower resolutions.

Run a simpler case

Along the same lines, you might try running a simpler case, trying another compset with a simpler setup and see if you can replicate the problem and then debug from that simpler case. Again, of course you will need to create new cases to do this.

Run with a debugger

Another suggestion is to run the model with a debugger such as: dbx, gdb, or totalview. Often to run with a debugger you will need to reduce the number of processors as outlined above. Some debuggers such as dbx will only work with one processor, while more advanced debuggers such as totalview can work with both MPI tasks and OMP threads. Even simple debuggers though can be used to query core files, to see where the code was at when it died (for example using the where in dbx for a core file can be very helpful. For help in running with a debugger you will need to contact your system administrators for the machine you are running on.