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3.5 Running the Prescribed Ice (F) Configuration at NCAR

The F configuration is the prescribed ice model with an active atmosphere and land model and the data ocean. In the F run, the ice concentration is prescribed. This is used as a means of tuning the atmosphere model or doing atmosphere-only simulations. The following changes should be made to the main script to run the F configuration:

# @ wall_clock_limit = 21600
# @ task_geometry = {(0)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11,12,13,14)(15,16,17,18)(19
set SETUPS = (   atm  lnd  ice docn  cpl ) 
set NTASKS = (    8    3   16   1    1 )  # use NTASK = 1 for data model 
set NTHRDS = (    4    4   1    1    4 )  # use NTHRD = 1 for data model

In ice.setup.csh, the following changes need to be made:

set PRESCRIBED_ICE      = .true.

Information about further changes to the ice setup script and the necessary input data files can be found in section 4.6.6. This configuration runs at the rate of about 31 minutes wall clock time per model month on the T42_gx1v3 grid with the ice model using 16 processors.