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User's Guide to NCAR CAM2.0

2. Using CAM2.0

2.5 Model Output Datasets

CAM2.0 produces a series of NetCDF-format history files containing atmospheric gridpoint data generated during the course of a run. It also produces a series of binary restart files necessary to continue a run once it has terminated successfully. The format of both of these types of datasets are described below.

2.5.1 Model History Files

History files contain model data values written at specified times during a run. The user can specify the frequency at which the data is written. Options are also available to record averaged, instantaneous, maximum, or minimum values on a field-by-field basis.  If the user wishes to see a field written at additional time frequencies (e.g. daily, hourly), additional history files must be declared.

History files may be examined by various postprocessors. Examples include the "CCSM Component Model Processing Suite (CMPS)", NCAR Graphics package, FERRET, ncview, MATLAB, AVS, IDL, and Yorick. For a list of software tools for interacting with NetCDF files view the UNIDATA NetCDF web-site: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/NetCDF/software.html.

Up to six separate history files may be produced in a single run.  Two history files will be produced by default.  The first file contains monthly output whereas the second file contains daily output (this can be modified via the NHTFRQ namelist option).  Some fields on the second tape are time-averaged and some are instantaneous. Table 2.7 lists the fields that can be output on any of the six history files as well as which fields are output by default on the first file. The list of fields output on the second file is given in Table 2.8. Master Field List

Table 2.7 contains a list of fields, referred to as the "Master Field List", that can be written to history files.

The first column indicates whether the field will automatically be included on the primary history file. Fields not on by default may be included via the namelist variable FINCL1 (see "Example 6 -- History File Specifications" ).  Conversely, any default fields may be removed using namelist variable FEXCL1  Some fields are active by default only for a given model configuration (i.e. only for the CCSM coupled model configuration) or when a given namelist setting is chosen. The configurations outlined in the first column denote under which conditions the given field is active. "CCSM-only" indicates that the field is active only when the model is compiled with the CPP token, COUP_CSM, defined. "FV only" indicates that the variable is only used with with finite-volume dynamics.

The second column lists the names of the output variables. Some field names appearing in the second column contain two upper case letters followed by two lower case x's (e.g. TRxx, DCxx, etc.). These fields correspond to passive tracer constituents that may be transported. In the history file, the two x's will be replaced by the name of the given tracer (i.e. Q, CWAT, CH4, N2O, TEST1, TEST2, TEST3, and in the case of advected or non-advected tracers ADV or NAD followed by the tracer number).

The third column associates the history file field name with its mathematical symbol as given in Scientific Description of the NCAR Community Atmospheric Model (CAM2) (2002).

The fourth column provides a brief description of the field. In the column labeled "NL" a "1" indicates a single-level field and an "N" indicates a multilevel field (on plev vertical levels). The default averaging flag is also given here, unless it is a time-average. Since, most fields are time-averages by default we only describe the ones that are not a time average. The flags available are: Instantaneous (I), Average (A), Maximum (X), and Minimum (M). See Section for more information on changing the default averaging flag for a given variable.

The last column in the table shows the physical units associated with each field.

A namelist option is available to produce a  monthly-averaged history file for the first file series. For example, by setting NHTFRQ(1)=0, the fields on the second history file will be output over the period beginning from the first timestep of the current month up to and including the last timestep of that month. Each monthly history file will contain exactly one time slice of data, regardless of the value of MFILT(1). Note that the option to output monthly datasets is only valid for the first file-series. Also note that the type of averaging done is dependent on the default average flag for the variable in question.

Fields with  are new fields that have been added since CAM2.0.

Table 2.7: Master Field List

Default File?
Field Name
Field Description
Basic State variables
yes Q q Specific humidity. As with other tracers fields with the names DCQ and SFQ will also be created. N  Kg/Kgair
yes ADV## q User advected tracers, named by their constituent number. As with other tracers fields with the names DCADV## and SFADV## will also be created. N  Kg/Kgair
yes NAD## q User non-advected tracers, named by their constituent number. As with other tracers, fields with the names DCNAD## and SFNAD## will also be created. N  Kg/Kgair
yes T T Temperature N
yes TSICE Tsea-ice Sea-ice surface Temperature 1
yes U u Zonal wind component  N m/s
yes V v Meridional wind component  N m/s 
yes [FV only] US us Zonal wind component, staggered grid N m/s
yes [FV only] VS vs Meridional wind component, staggered grid N m/s
no [FV only] FU fu Zonal wind forcing
(Output as instantaneous field by default)
N m/s
no [FV only] FV fv Meridional wind forcing
(Output as instantaneous field by default)
N m/s
yes PS Ps Surface pressure 1 Pa 
yes TS Ts Surface temperature 1 K
no TS1 T1 Ice temperature (level 1) K
no TS2 T2 Ice temperature (level 2)  K
no TS3 T3 Ice temperature (level 3) K
no TS4 T4 Ice temperature (level 4) K
no ETADOT Vertical motion on half levels N 1/s
Derived variables
no Q850   850 mb specific humidity 1 Kg/Kgair
no Z700 Z (700 mb) Geo-potential height at 700 mb pressure surface 1 m
no Z300 Z (300 mb) Geo-potential height at 300 mb pressure surface 1 m
no U850 U (850 mb) Zonal wind at 850 mb pressure surface 1 m/s
no U200 U (200 mb) Zonal wind at 200 mb pressure surface 1 m/s
no V850 V (850 mb) Meridional wind at 850 mb pressure surface 1 m/s
no V200 V (200 mb) Meridional at 200 mb pressure surface 1 m/s
no T850 T (850 mb) Temperature at 850 mb pressure surface 1 K
no T300 T (300 mb) Temperature at 300 mb pressure surface 1 K
no TMQ p Total precipitable water 1 m
no OMEGA850 omega(850mb) Vertical velocity at 850 mb pressure surface 1 Pa/s
no OMEGA600 omega(600mb) Vertical velocity at 600 mb pressure surface 1 Pa/s
no PRECTMX - Maximum Total Precipitation (Large scale + convective)
(Output as maximum field by default)
1 m/s
no TSMN Tsmin Minimum daily surface temperature 1 K
no TSMX Tsmax Maximum daily surface temperature 1 K
no TREFHTMN T2mmin Minimum daily reference height temperature 1 K
no TREFHTMX T2mmax Maximum daily reference height temperature 1 K
no Z500   500 mb geo-potential height 1 m
no Z050   50 mb geo-potential height 1 m
yes VT vT Meridional heat transport N K * m/s
yes VU vu Product of meridional and zonal winds N m2/s2
yes VZ vz Meridional transport of gravitational potential energy N m3/s3
yes VQ vq Meridional water transport N m/s
yes OMEGAT omegaT Product of vertical updraft and temperature N Pa * K/s
yes WSPEED   Wind-speed (sqrt(U2 + V2) N m2/s2
yes ZZ zz Square of geo-potential height N m2
yes TT TT Square of temperature N K2
yes RELHUM RH Relative humidity N fraction
yes Z3 z Geo-potential height (above sea level) N m
yes MQ Water mass N Kg/m2
yes PSL Psl Sea level pressure 1 Pa
yes OMEGA Vertical pressure velocity Pa/s
Water Vapor and Tracers

("xx" replaced by tracer name [i.e. Q, CWAT etcetera])
yes DCxx Tracer tendency from precipitation physics N (Kg/Kgair)/s
yes DTCOND T tendency from precipitation physics K/s
no TAxx Total advection tendency of tracer N (Kg/Kgair)/s
yes VDxx   Vertical diffusion tendency of tracer N (Kg/Kgair)/s
no HAxx   Horizontal advection tendency of tracer N (Kg/Kgair)/s
no VAxx   Vertical advection tendency of tracer N (Kg/Kgair)/s
yes O3VMR   O3 Volume mixing ratio N fraction
no DFxx   SLT fixer tendency of tracer N (Kg/Kgair)/s
no TExx   Time tendency of tracer N (Kg/Kgair)/s
no SFxx   Tracer surface fluxes (pcnst-1 values) N (Kg/m2)/s
Horizontal Diffusion
no DUH   u horizontal diffusive heating rate N K/s
no DVH   v horizontal diffusive heating rate N K/s
yes DTH T horizontal diffusion N K/s
yes EVAPPCT   Percent of Zhang-MacFarlane precipitation that is evaporated. 1 percent
no [CCSM-only] PRECLav   Average large-scale precipitation 1 m/s
no [CCSM-only] PRECCav    Average convective precipitation 1 m/s
yes PRECL Ps Large-scale stable precipitation 1 m/s
yes PRECC P Convective precipitation 1 m/s
no PRECCINT    Convective-scale precipitation (when rate > PRECC_THRESH mm/hr). To get intensity (average intensity of precipitation events), divide by PRECCFRQ. 1 mm/hr
no PRECLINT  Ps Large-scale stable precipitation (when rate > PRECL_THRESH mm/hr). To get intensity (average intensity of precipitation events), divide by PRECLFRQ. 1 mm/hr
no PRECCFRQ    Convective-scale precipitation frequency (when > 0.1 mm/hr). Fraction of the time that convective precipitation exceeds a rate of 0.1mm/hr over the output interval. 1 Fraction
no PRECLFRQ  Ps Large-scale stable precipitation frquency (when > 0.1 mm/hr). Fraction of the time that large-scale precipitation exceeds a rate of 0.1mm/hr over the output interval. 1 Fraction
no PRECSL   Large-scale stable snowfall 1 m/s
no PRECSC   Convective snowfall 1 m/s
no CMFDQR   Rain-out (condensation) N (Kg/Kgair)/s
no DQP Rcs+Rls q tendency from rain-out  (Kg/Kgair)/s
no EVAPR   Local evaporation of precipitation N Kg/Kgair/s
no PRAIN   Rate of conversion of condensate to precipitation N Kg/Kgair/s
Surface variables
no LANDM   Land-Ocean transition mask: Ocean (0), Continent (1), transition (0-1)
(Output as instantaneous field by default)
1 unitless
yes PHIS Surface geo-potential
(Output as instantaneous field by default)
1 m2/s2
yes ICEFRAC   Fraction of grid-square covered by sea-ice 1 FRACTION
yes OCNFRAC   Fraction of grid-square covered by ocean 1 FRACTION
yes LANDFRAC   Fraction of grid-square covered by land. Note the total of ICEFRAC+LANDFRAC+OCNFRAC must equal 1.0. 1 FRACTION
yes SNOWHLND Sn Water equivalent snow depth over land 1 m
yes SNOWHICE Sn Water equivalent snow depth over sea-ice 1 m
yes TREFHT   Surface dependent reference height temperature (for comparison to observed near-surface air temperature data). 1 K
no TREFHTMN   Minimum reference height temperature over the files associated time frequency.
(Output as minimum field by default)
1 K
no TREFHTMX   Maximum reference height temperature over the files associated time frequency.
(Output as maximum field by default)
1 K
yes TREFMNAV   Daily minimum reference height temperature. The output frequency and type of the file determines if it's an average or minimum/maximum over another time frequency. If the output file is a monthly average this will be the monthly average of the daily minimum temperature. 1 K
yes TREFMXAV   Daily maximum reference height temperature. The output frequency and type of the file determines if it's an average or minimum/maximum over another time frequency. If the output file is a monthly average this will be the monthly average of the daily minimum temperature. 1 K
no [CCSM-only] UBOT   Bottom level eastward wind 1 m/s
no [CCSM-only] VBOT   Bottom level northward wind 1 m/s
no [CCSM-only] QBOT   Bottom level specific humidity 1 Kg/Kgair
yes SHFLX Surface sensible heat flux  1 W/m2
yes LHFLX Surface latent heat flux  1 W/m2
yes QFLX Surface water flux 1 (Kg/m2)/s
no SGH   Standard deviation of orography 1 m
yes TAUX Zonal surface stress N/m2
yes TAUY Meridional surface stress N/m2
yes UTGW Gravity wave drag u tendency  m/s2
yes VTGW Gravity wave drag v tendency  m/s2
yes TAUGWX Gravity wave drag zonal surface stress N/m2
yes TAUGWY Gravity wave drag meridional surface stress N/m2
Planetary Boundary Layer
yes PBLH   Height of planetary boundary layer 1 m
yes USTAR u* Surface friction velocity m/s
no CGH   PBL nonlocal transport, heat N K/m
no CGQ   PBL nonlocal transport, humidity N 1/m
no CGS   Counter-gradient coefficient on surface kinematic fluxes N s/m2
yes TPERT PBL plume temperature perturbation K
yes QPERT PBL plume moisture perturbation Kg/Kg
no KVH Kθ Diffusivity for heat N m2/s
no KVM Km Diffusivity for momentum N m2/s
no DUV   u vertical diffusion N m/s2
no DVV   v vertical diffusion N m/s2
yes DTV   T vertical diffusion tendency  K/s
yes ZMDQ   Q tendency - Zhang moist convection (Kg/Kgair)/s
yes ZMDT   T tendency - Zhang moist convection (Kg/Kgair)/s
yes CMFDT T tendency from Hack moist convection K/s
yes CMFDQ q tendency from Hack moist convection  (Kg/Kgair)/s
yes CMFMC Mc Total convective mass flux  N (Kg/Kgair)/s
no CMFSL Fs-Ll Convective liquid water static energy flux W/m2
no CMFLQ Fq+l Convective total water flux  W/m2
yes FSNS FSN(Ps) Net downward solar flux at surface W/m2
yes FLNS FLN(Ps) Net upward longwave flux at surface W/m2
yes FLNT FLN(PT) Net upward longwave flux at top of model W/m2
no FLUT FLN(PT) Upward longwave flux at top of model W/m2
yes FSDS   Flux Shortwave Downwelling at Surface W/m2
no FSNIRTOA   Near-IR shortwave flux absorbed at TOA 1 W/m2
no FSNRTOAC   Clear-sky near-IR shortwave flux absorbed at TOA 1 W/m2
no FSNRTOAQ   Near-IR Shortwave flux absorbed at TOA >= 0.7 microns 1 W/m2
yes FSNT   Net downward solar flux at top of model W/m2
no FSNTOA FSN(PT) Net downward solar flux at top of atmosphere W/m2
yes FLNTC FLN(PT)clr Net clearsky upward longwave flux at top of model. W/m2
yes FSNTC FSN(PT)clr Net clearsky downward solar flux at top of model. W/m2
no FSNTOAC FSN(PTOA)clr Net clearsky downward solar flux at top of atmosphere. W/m2
yes FLNSC FLN(PS)clr Net clearsky upward longwave flux at surface W/m2
no FLUTC FLN(PT)clr Upward clearsky longwave flux at top of model W/m2
yes FSDSC FSD(PS)clr Downwelling clearsky downward solar flux at surface W/m2
yes FSNSC FSN(PS)clr Net clearsky downward solar flux at surface W/m2
no HR   Heating rate. N K/s
yes SRFRAD Radiative flux absorbed at the surface W/m2
yes QRS Qs Solar heating rate K/s
yes QRL Qlw Longwave heating rate K/s
yes SOLIN SI Solar insolation  W/m2
no SOLL   Downward near IR direct solar to surface. 1 W/m2
no SOLS   Downward visible direct solar to surface. 1 W/m2
no SOLLD   Downward near IR diffuse solar to surface. 1 W/m2
no SOLSD   Downward visible diffuse solar to surface. 1 W/m2
no REL   Effective radius N microns
yes CWAT   Grid average condensed water mixing ratio. N  Kg/Kgair
yes CLDTOT ATc Total cloud cover fraction
yes CLDLOW ALc Low cloud cover (lower than 700 mb) fraction
yes CLDMED AMc Medium cloud cover (700 to 400 mb) fraction
yes CLDHGH AHc High cloud cover (400 to 50 mb) fraction
yes CNVCLD Acc Convective cloud fraction fraction
no LWSH   Liquid water scale height 1 m
yes CLOUD Ac Cloud fraction fraction
yes FICE   Fraction of cloud which is ice. fraction
yes ICWMR   In-cloud condensed water mixing ratio. Kg/Kgair
yes ICIMR   In-cloud ice-phase mixing ratio. Kg/Kgair
yes GCLDLWP   Grid average condensed water path. g/m2
yes TGCLDLWP   Vertically integrated grid average liquid water path. g/m2
no TGCLDCWP   Vertically integrated grid average condensed water path. g/m2
yes TGCLDIWP   Vertically integrated grid average ice phase path. g/m2
yes ICLDLWP   In-cloud condensed water path. g/m2
yes CLDST   Stratus total cloud cover. N FRACTION
no FWAUT   Relative importance of warm cloud auto conversion N FRACTION
no FSAUT   Relative importance of ice auto conversion N FRACTION
no FRACW   Relative importance of the collection of liquid by rain N FRACTION
no FSACW   Relative importance of the collection of liquid by snow N FRACTION
no FSACI   Relative importance of the collection of ice by snow. N FRACTION
yes CME   Local condensation of cloud water N Kg/Kgair/s
no UTEND   u tendency N m/s2
no VTEND   v tendency N m/s2
no TTEND   T tendency N K/s
no LPSTEN   Surface pressure tendency 1 Pa/s Changing characteristics of default output fields

There are several ways that namelist options can modify the characteristics of the default output fields. Output fields can be added or deleted from a file, the averaging flag can be changed and the output frequency can be varied. In addition, the number of time-samples on a file and the precision of the output data (double or single NetCDF) can be changed. To add additional fields to the first history file, the user should use the namelist variable FINCL1. FEXCL1 can be used to delete fields that are on the default list of fields on the primary file. The averaging flag may also be specified with the FINCL1 option and determines how the data is averaged over the output frequency. Values recorded for fields on a history file can be represented in one of four different ways.  Data may be time averaged since the last write to the history file, instantaneous, or appear as a point-by-point maximum or minimum over the time interval.  The representation may be specified in the namelist by including a colon followed by the single character flag for each averaging type after the field name.  The characters are as follows: 'A' means averaged over the interval, 'I' for instantaneous, 'M' for point-by-point minimum, and 'X' for point-by-point maximum.  An example of this specification would be:

FINCL1 = 'T:I'

This specifies that temperature is to be recorded as instantaneous values on the first history file.

The frequency at which data is written to the history file is specified by NHTFRQ(i). For example, consider the namelist input shown in Example 5. Here, NHTFRQ(1)=72. Every 72 timesteps a time sample of data is written to the primary history file, with each field being time averaged over the previous 72 timesteps.  If NHTFRQ(1) = 0, then the data for the first history file will be written out on monthly boundaries.

The number of time samples written to a single history file, primary or auxiliary, is set via namelist variable  MFILT(i).  The packing densities of model history files is set with namelist variable variable  NDENS(i) which can have values of "1" or "2".   "1" implies output should be written out in 64-bit NetCDF format, and "2" writes data out in 32-bit NetCDF format.

Refer to Table 2.7 in Sec. 2.2  for a complete description of all history file namelist variables. History Files 2 through 6

Up to six different types of history files may be written out by the model during a model run. The capability to write additional history files provides the user with the flexibility to vary the frequency at which various history data are written. Additional files may contain the same or different fields as compared with the first history file.  These fields may be written on different timesteps, and have different averaging periods. Furthermore, each file may contain a different number of time samples.

The following table lists the fields that are output by default on the secondary history files. By default secondary history files produce daily output. This can be changed by modifying the value of the namelist variable NHTFRQ(2). The table lists the output averaging flag as well as the field name. The averaging flags are: I for instantaneous, A for average, M for minimum, and X for maximum. See Section for more information on the averaging flag.

Table 2.8: Fields output by default on secondary history files (default frequency is daily)
Field nameAverage flag (Average, Instantaneous, Maximum or Minimum)
Z300Instantaneous Model generated initial condition dataset files

During a model simulation, initial condition datasets are generated periodically by default. These datasets are simply auxiliary history files containing instantaneous values for only those fields that are required to begin an initial run. The naming convention for these files (which is different for the other auxiliary files) is $CASE.cam2.i.yyyy-mm-dd-sssss.nc, where $CASE is the caseid, yyyy is the year (note, more than 4 digits will be used if needed), mm is the month, dd is the day and sssss is the seconds. The output frequency of the files is controlled by namelist variable INITHIST and is independent of the output frequency of other auxiliary files. Naming the History Files

History volumes will be named according to the history filename specifier. The history filename name specifier is documented in Table 2.7. By default if the first history file series contains monthly output, history filenames will be of the form


where caseid, yyyy, and mm correspond to the case-name, current year, and current month respectively. For example, if caseid="cambld", and current date is September, 1989 the filename becomes


Non-monthly file-series are named with a full date expression as follows:


Here, # is the file series number minus one, dd is the current day, and sssss is the number of seconds into the current day. For example, for the second file-series and a current date of September, 1, 1989, 0Z the filename becomes:


2.5.2 Restart Datasets

There are four types of restart datasets generated by the model: master, primary, secondary, and history buffer restart files. Each dataset is in binary format and contain grid-point data and other information necessary to continue or branch a model run.

Upon restart, a simple ASCII text file (the "restart pointer file") is read to obtain the full pathname of the most recently written master restart file. Only the name of the master restart file is needed as input for a continuation run. The other files needed for restart (such as secondary restart files, or history files that need to be opened) are also listed in the restart pointer file. The Master restart file itself includes the full archive path to the files that actually need to be opened.

Master and primary restart files are always written during a model run. A secondary restart file is written if absorptivity/emissivity is not be calculated on the first timestep after restart, and therefore must be saved on a restart dataset. For a stand-alone run this occurs if the primary history file write frequency, NHTFRQ(1), is not a multiple of the absorptivity/emissivity calculation frequency, IRADAE (note that for a CCSM flux coupled run, only the flux coupler determines when the restart files are written). It is advisable to avoid this situation if possible, since this dataset is relatively large even for the standard T42 model.

A history buffer restart file is written in order to retain the accumulated values in the history buffers if restart files are to be written on a timestep when one or more history file time samples are not written. A separate restart dataset is written for each history file. Each history buffer restart file contains the portion of the history buffers pertaining to that history file.

All restart files have names of the form $CASE.cam2.r.yyyy-mm-dd-sssss, but with the ".r." changed to the appropriate restart filename. For example, ".r." is for the master restart filename, while , ".ra." corresponds to the absorptivity/emissivity restart filename, and ".rh0." is the primary history file restart filename. In the root name, $CASE refers to the caseid, yyyy corresponds to the year (note more than 4 digits for the year will be used if necessary), mm is the month, dd is the day and sssss is the seconds of the date yyyymmdd. The following is an example of the restart files written during a simulation.

2.5.3. Mass Store Archiving

If history files and restart datasets are to be archived on the NCAR Mass Storage System, they will be transferred asynchronously to the MSS as they are completed. If namelist variable MSS_IRT is zero, history and restart files will not be archived. Mass Store pathnames for these transfers are generated using the ARCHIVE_DIR namelist setting. By default, ARCHIVE_DIR is set to /$USERNAME/csm/$CASE/atm/hist. As a result history files will be archived in the Mass Store directory 


Restart files will be archived in the Mass Store directory


And finally initial files will be archived in the Mass Store directory


$USERNAME is the upper-case equivalent of the user's login name, i.e., the user's root directory on the Mass Store System, and $CASE is the case identifier and is set via the namelist input. It is recommended that the user specify a non-blank write password using the namelist variable MSS_WPASS (see Table 2.7 ). File passwords are the only form of security available on the Mass Storage System. If the write password is not set, any other user can overwrite or change the files after they have been archived..

Sub Sections

    2.5.1 Model History Files

    2.5.2 Restart Datasets

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$Name: $ $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2004/06/08 02:57:22 $ $Author: jmccaa $